40 multiplying by 4 worksheet
**Content Audits** are usually done with the sole goal of analyzing SEO/Traffic metrics and determine what pages you should remove/update/maintain to **increase organic traffic.** That’s ok, but for me, this is only the surface of the potential of a content audit. You also must see what’s impacting your company’s growth. So today, I’m gonna explain my **easy-to-follow process** to perform a content audit, analyze it and find insights to inform your next actions and strategy. I hope it really...
I have a short list of product codes (these should just be normal numbers, no hyphens or anything). I've noticed the Excel left aligns some of them, so is clearly not treating them as numbers. I've tried multiplying each by 1 to confirm this (gives #value error). I've tried several steps to fix these: Format cells as number Trimmed Text to columns Multiplied by 1 Add 0 (zero) into a blank cell, then paste special as 'add' Add 1 into a blank cell, then paste special as 'multiply' I'm out...
My shop qualifies for ERC for the last three quarters of 2020 and the first three quarters of 2021. We have crunched all the numbers and filled out the 941-X forms to claim it. The one question I have that I can't seem to find an answer to anywhere is this: what level of detail is the IRS looking for on the final question of 941-X: "You must give a detailed explanation of how you determined your corrections." Am I expected to show all the math of wages paid per employee, subtract the amounts pai...
![Multiplying by 4 worksheet](https://files.liveworksheets.com/def_files/2021/4/28/104281141471791723/104281141471791723001.jpg)
Multiplying by 4 worksheet
I love how rich the overland travel rules are (beginning on p. 49), but it seems like a ton to keep track of. I'm considering making a printable worksheet that would allow players to crunch a lot of the travel numbers in advance (before accounting for snap decisions or random encounters that would force deviation.), so that the in-play flow can be smoother. I'd like the sheet to allow space for: * Plotting the expected route, hex-by-hex, to a known destination or desired hex. * Tracking consum...
As part of my job, I've been asked to create a 10-year calendar, across multiple rooms, with various conditional formatting. Yes, Excel isn't the right tool for this - but the higher-ups want it, and are paying us to do it, so... I've got everything working fine, except refreshing the entire worksheet takes about 15 minutes on my pretty well spec'd laptop. Summary of what it does: * API call to pull down data from database (Under a minute) * This is collated into a reference table for furthe...
Hello, I just recently started investing directly with wealthsimple in February and have been iterating a spreadsheet to both keep track of my investments and plan my future contributions. I think I've got it in a good spot so I figured that I would share it. [Here it is](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zn_mCz3vyVbNzIEH9aAV4BIVsFPutWaiWtPVJIAKCDI/edit?usp=sharing). The nice thing about how I’ve set it up is that it’s really easy to keep up to date, as it will use the Google Finance f...
Multiplying by 4 worksheet.
I am hoping for some advice on a multiple criteria countif formula. I am making a workbook with one main purchasing list (a table with columns including the item, purchasing info, and total cost, as well as the project it is allocated to and the specific budget line) on the first worksheet, and then worksheets for the specific project budgets applicable to the purchasing expenses. I am hoping to use multiple criteria countif formulas in order to automate adding the total cost of a purchased bas...
I woke up early again for school. I was a bit more knowledgeable cause today was day 2. I brought some snacks this time and enough notebooks for all my classes. Dad dropped us off super far away from the school. Like 15 minutes walking, it’s cause the traffic was so bad near the school. Since one of my brothers didn’t have class until later he stayed behind. When I eventually got to algebra, the teacher gave us a really easy worksheet. The work was just dividing by negative numbers and multiplyi...
I've been investing for about 30 years, and have even used options now and then. But I was mostly a buy and hold type of value investor so didn't look too much at the options market. In the last 2 months, I got interested in thetagang techniques and tried it out with part of my IRA, mostly with cash-secured puts (CSP) to open up wheels. Here's some of my initial lessons learned: * **Manage your buying power**. It can be misleading how much liquidity you have, because much of your large cash ...
I’ve always had a hard time teaching students how to skip count or giving them fun ways to practice besides just repeated practice saying the numbers, but I try to emphasize how knowing it will help them down the line. We started using Eureka Math this year, so we have specific practice each day and constantly talk about what numbers we are able to count by when multiplying and dividing. We aren’t sending home worksheets for homework, but I’d like to be able to provide some kind of structured ac...
So I tried all kinds of solutions that did not require programming, which eviscerate readability of my worksheet for what should be a very, very, very simple issue. ​ Element by element works fine with the Vectorisation tool if both are vectors of the same size: https://preview.redd.it/65qkm2uqvb581.png?width=723&format=png&auto=webp&s=9129d2e62b7bb8dd72948bf07e6b213d44fc1300 but the moment I try multiplying e.g. a 3x3 matrix with a vector NOTHING works: ​ ...
**Content Audits** are usually done with the sole goal of analyzing SEO/Traffic metrics and determine what pages you should remove/update/maintain to **increase organic traffic.** That’s ok, but for me, this is only the surface of the potential of a content audit. You also must see what’s impacting your company’s growth. So today, I’m gonna explain my **easy-to-follow process** to perform a content audit, analyze it and find insights to inform your next actions and strategy. I hope it really...
I still remember how most of them go, but I heard them when I was in 3rd grade, so 2008ish. But my school used old CDs all the time, so don't count on that year. It was a christian school, so it's *possible* it's by a christian artist. All else I remember about it was the artist name was the people's names- a man and a woman. Formatted like ___ & ___. here's what each song sounded like: 2- I don't remember 3- dreamy, slower. sounded like a lullaby 4- faster with some vocal back-and-fort...
Being two years removed from my four year stint in a public high school, I believe something has to change. Many of the characteristics of modern day American society that are not very appealing are the effects of a poor public schooling system and correcting the cause of the disease rather than treating the effects has shown, time and time again, to be the more effective and long lasting solution to societal problems. I believe that there were many opportunities lost and glaring inefficiencies ...
**Content Audits** are usually done with the sole goal of analyzing SEO/Traffic metrics and determine what pages you should remove/update/maintain to **increase organic traffic.** That’s ok, but for me, this is only the surface of the potential of a content audit. You also must see what’s impacting your company’s growth. So today, I’m gonna explain my **easy-to-follow process** to perform a content audit, analyze it and find insights to inform your next actions and strategy. I hope it really...
We have this very uncommon requirement to separate the purchase price and landed costs separately for an external requirement (borrowing) and internal reporting. As we may already know, the capitalized landed costs are posted to the same Inventory account. When the item is sold, it is also posted to one COGS account that is composed of the FOB costs and landed costs. As such, the total FOB cost and total capitalized landed costs as of a given date are not separate. The goal is to segregate the...
Hi all, I have a master-data table with unique rows of data. I want a weighted count of the rows, such that some rows are worth more. Rows are weighted based on data in two columns, each being a High, Med, or Low priority scale. I have a weightings worksheet with the weightings for each of those two H-M-L columns, so each row could have one of nine possible multiplicative weightings; H\*H, H\*M, H\*L, M\*H, M\*M, M\*L, L\*H, L\*M, L\*L. The weighing for High in one column might not b...
(ill use fake numbers). In 2020 I made 100K and my Fed taxes taken out were 15.5K (15.5%). However my actual 1040 taxes due was 8.8K and my 2020 refund was 6.6K. My refunds are always very high. I don't want big refunds, id rather just pay the government what is actually owed and keep the rest for myself (instead of giving them 6K interest free loans every single year) . My 2021 federal taxes is still the same \~15.5%. Per below, I tried to modify this overly convoluted 2021-W4 to reduce m...
Lake Athletics has provided you with the Income Statements for two of its product lines for the year ended December 31. The Controller has asked you to perform the vertical analysis of the product lines and compare the two products. Use the information included in the Excel Simulation and the Excel functions described below to complete the task. • Cell Reference: Allows you to refer to data from another cell in the worksheet. From the Excel Simulation below, if in a blank cell, "=B9" was entered...
*This post is identical to the one I posted on [my blog](https://dicegoblin.blog/2021/02/16/simulating-reading-books-in-dungeons-dragons/) last week, except that post also has an example worksheet and slightly more reader-friendly formatting. * # What This System Does - Implement books with benefits into your D&D campaign - Make the experience of reading a book in D&D a bit more like reading a book in real life - Have the relevant attributes provide relevant benefits # How It Accompli...
Specifically, their education. Meech was teaching those kids with a high school diploma. That in itself didn't seem to turn out so horribly -- the older kids seem to have marginally more critical thinking skills and general comprehension than the middle ones (the ones over 18, because I don't think it's fair to compare an 11-year-old with someone in their late 20s). Jill in particular always showed a passion for learning, and while that's likely just part of her personality, I'm sure it was enco...
You know [Kirby](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.gamestop.com%2Fclothing%2Faccessories-watches%2Fhats%2Fproducts%2Fkirby---kirby-face-baseball-cap%2F11111693.html&psig=AOvVaw3znEL-U9S5XJ_IgBUPIClM&ust=1637334311923000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAsQjRxqFwoTCLjHuuKXovQCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD), right? Pink, circle, my second main in Smash Bros, the usual stuff. Well, arguably his most well known ability is the ability to suck up defeated enemies, and absorb t...
I work the night audit shift in a hotel, and part of that means I have to calculate our RevPAR. I know how to do that, but wanted a way to automate the process for the other Auditors when it comes to filling out the worksheet for our daily revenue numbers for our corporate office. So, the RevPAR for the Month-to-date is: Room Revenue divided by the total number of available rooms this month so far. Rev/(103\*day-of-month). For example: We have 103 rooms, and let's say we are looking for the Mo...
Hello, thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am trying to build a GBM on excel vba. From several sources including books, articles, videos, I think understood the BM for a single asset but when it comes to multiple correlated assets I find myself struggling. Could someone please help me understand better? So far for the multivariable case I have the following: \#I loop through a 2 dimension matrix of 2 by n number of assets. row 1 has return, row 2 has risk. drift = (Risk\_retu...
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