38 cnn student news guided worksheet

CNN student news guided worksheet.pdf - Course Hero CNN student news guided worksheet.pdf - Renea Pascal Name_... School Hollywood High School Course Title READING 101 Uploaded By RENEAP2004 Pages 1 This preview shows page 1 out of 1 page. View full document Name_______________________________ Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions: As you watch the news, complete the chart for each day. PDF Hour: CNN Student News Guided Worksheet CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions: As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If there is a section not utilized for that day, just leave it blank. Describe the news stories from today: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M O N D A Y Favorite News Story of the Day: Shout Out Answer: Favorite pun of the day:

CNN_Student_News_Worksheet - Course Hero This preview shows page 1 - 5 out of 5 pages. View full document. Name: _______________________ Date: _______________________ Period: ________ CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions : As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If there is a section not utilized for that day, just leave it blank.

Cnn student news guided worksheet

Cnn student news guided worksheet

DOCX Upper Darby School District Student News Guided Worksheet - Week of _______________. Instructions: As you watch the news, complete the chart for each day. If that section is not used for the day, just leave it blank. Day of the Week_________________________ Describe the news stories from the day: 1. Get MS. Groove Classroom CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Complete every fillable area. Make sure the details you fill in MS. Groove Classroom CNN Student News Guided Worksheet is up-to-date and accurate. Include the date to the sample with the Date feature. Click on the Sign button and create an e-signature. You will find 3 available options; typing, drawing, or uploading one. PDF CNN Student News Guided Worksheet - Weebly CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions- As we watch CNN student news each day, complete the chart. If the section is not discussed that day, leave it blank. Remember to rate yourself on the scale and write that number in the corresponding box. Week of (write the first day of the week's date): CNN Student News Scale

Cnn student news guided worksheet. CNN_Student_News_Guided_Worksheet (6).docx - Course Hero CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Name: Date: Instructions: As we watch the CNN Student News, fill in the information below. If that section is not used for the day, just leave it blank! Briefly describe the news stories from today: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Reflection: Write a 4-5 sentence summary about one of the top news stories from today. CNN Student News - CNN Australia. China. Europe. India. Middle East. United Kingdom. US Politics. The Biden Presidency. Facts First. cnn student news worksheet - TeachersPayTeachers CNN Student News Daily Worksheet - Google Class Ready by Lessons by Dr York 70 $5.00 $4.00 Zip *** This product INCLUDES BOTH the printable version as well as the Google Class/Distance Learning version ***CNN Student News is a valuable resource and here is a way to make it even more valuable. Cnn Student News Daily Worksheet Teaching Resources | TpT If your class watches the CNN Student News (now CNN 10) this worksheet is definitely for you. It enhances the engagement and interaction with the news through vocabulary development, global awareness, and learning about important people in the news. This can be used daily or once depending on how often you watch the news with your students.

CNN 10_ Student News Guided Worksheet - Course Hero CNN 10 LINK Describe the news stories from today: 1.Chinese Covid rules 2.Dr. Martin Luther King's speeches 3.A Caped Cephalopod M O N D A Y Favorite News Story of the Day: Favorite pun of the day: Get the "GIST"! Create a 20 word summary/opinion that is tight and precise about one of the top news stories from today. PDF EE ^ µ v E Á ' µ ] t } l Z Z Z v t Z ] u } } Ç } Ç } µ v u } ] v ( } u ] } v } µ v v M . Title. Microsoft Word - CNN-StudentNews. Author. info. Created Date. 9/24/2017 5:07:08 PM. CNN 10 Guided Worksheet by EdTechDale | Teachers Pay Teachers Explaining global news to a global audience: This is the mission of CNN 10, a new, 10-minute news show that appears as a daily digital video on CNN.com. CNN 10 replaces CNN Student News, the network's longest-running show that first aired in 1989. CNN 10 more effectively serves a growing audience interested in compact on-demand news broadcasts ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom. Copy of CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet Copy of CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet.

CNN 10 Worksheet sample.docx - CNN 10: Student News Guided... CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions: As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If there is a section not utilized for that day, just leave it blank. Monday Describe the news stories from today: 1. Hyperloop Trains 2. Intense Winter Weather 3. Groundhog Day 4. 1 . Hyperloop Trains 2 . Intense Winter Weather 3 . PDF CNN Student News Guided Worksheet- Week of CNN Student News Guided Worksheet- Week of: Instructions- As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If that section is not used for that day, just leave it blank. 4. Legit/Not Legit Describe the news stories from today: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Legit/Not Legit- See if you can I.D Me- 1. "What's the word" (Word & definition): PDF CNN 10: Student News Guided Worksheet - Antioch 34 Instructions: As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If there is a section not utilized for that day, just leave it blank. E Describe the news stories from today: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. M O N D A Y Favorite News Story of the Day: Favorite pun of the day: Reflection: Write a 2-3 sentence summary/opinion about one of the top news stories from today. Cnn 10 Worksheets Teaching Resources | Teachers Pay Teachers 4.8. (1.4k) $4.00. Zip. My students are hooked on CNN 10, formerly CNN Student News! It is a great, free online resource that is perfect to get students thinking about current events with a Common Core lens. This activity set has FOURTEEN templates to choose from and is aligned with Common Core Literacy and Writing standards for ELA, history, and science (NGSS).

Copy of CNN_Student_News_Worksheet.pdf - Student News Guided Worksheet ... Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions: As we watch CNN student news, complete the chart for each day. If there is a section not utilized for that day, just leave it blank. Describe the news stories from today: 1. 9/11 day of news. 2. Witnesses of President getting the news 3. 4.

Cnn 10 Worksheet Form - Fill Out and Sign Printable PDF Template | signNow Follow the step-by-step instructions below to design your cnn 10 worksheet pdfs: Select the document you want to sign and click Upload. Choose My Signature. Decide on what kind of signature to create. There are three variants; a typed, drawn or uploaded signature. Create your signature and click Ok. Press Done. After that, your cnn 10s is ready.

PDF CNN Student News Guided Worksheet - Weebly CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Instructions- As we watch CNN student news each day, complete the chart. If the section is not discussed that day, leave it blank. Remember to rate yourself on the scale and write that number in the corresponding box. Week of (write the first day of the week's date): CNN Student News Scale

Get MS. Groove Classroom CNN Student News Guided Worksheet Complete every fillable area. Make sure the details you fill in MS. Groove Classroom CNN Student News Guided Worksheet is up-to-date and accurate. Include the date to the sample with the Date feature. Click on the Sign button and create an e-signature. You will find 3 available options; typing, drawing, or uploading one.

DOCX Upper Darby School District Student News Guided Worksheet - Week of _______________. Instructions: As you watch the news, complete the chart for each day. If that section is not used for the day, just leave it blank. Day of the Week_________________________ Describe the news stories from the day: 1.

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